Eligible applicants must have specialized neuropsychological training and experience in accordance with the criteria specified below.  

Membership Levels

Regular Membership

  • The category of “Regular Membership” is available for professionals who have completed training and experience in neuropsychology that includes:

1) A doctoral degree in professional psychology;

2) A one-year APA/CPA accredited internship, or equivalent year of supervised experience;

3) Postdoctoral fellowship:

  • For those trained after 2005, completion of a formal, 2-year postdoctoral training program that conforms to Houston Conference guidelines is required; OR
  • For those trained prior to 2005, two or more years of appropriate supervised* training in application of clinical neuropsychological services with participation in specialty-specific didactics. A minimum of one year of training must be postdoctoral.

*On-site supervision with a neuropsychologist is required. Self-guided supervision does not meet criteria.

Note: Attainment of board certification in clinical neuropsychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)/American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN) or American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (ABN) is acceptable proof for having successfully documented items 1 through 3 of this list;

4) A New York State license to independently practice psychology, or employment as a doctoral-level neuropsychologist in an exempt agency;

5) Completing the attestation of being in good standing within neuropsychology and/or psychology organizations; and

6) Attesting to maintaining active professional interests in clinical neuropsychology, by checking the applicable attestation box.

  • “Regular Membership” requires remittance of the annual fee of $150.

Early Career Membership

  • The category of “Early Career Membership” is available to psychologists who meet the aforementioned criteria for “Regular Membership” and who are within their initial two years of independent practice in clinical neuropsychology.
  • “Early Career Membership” requires remittance of the annual fee of $100.

Affiliate Membership

  • The category of “Affiliate Membership” is available to psychologists who exclusively practice psychology outside of New York State and meet the aforementioned criteria for “Regular Membership” with the exception of #4. “Affiliate membership” requires possession of a license to independently practice psychology in the psychologist’s respective state.
  • “Affiliate Membership” permits access to the NYSAN listserv and to our newsletter, in addition to discounted rates for NYSAN sponsored continuing education presentations. However, “Affiliate Membership” does not grant website access to NYSAN practice documents nor confer voting privileges.
  • “Affiliate Membership” requires remittance of the annual fee of $50.

Student Membership

  • The category of “Student Membership" is available to individuals at all levels of graduate training in neuropsychology (i.e., doctoral students, predoctoral interns, and postdoctoral fellows). Student Membership permits access to all of the benefits of “Regular Membership,” with the exception of voting privileges.
  • “Student Membership" requires:
1) Current enrollment in a psychology doctoral program that is APA accredited;
2) Completing the attestation of being in good standing within the academic program of enrollment and current clinical training site (if applicable); and
3) Attesting to maintaining active professional interests in clinical neuropsychology through formal coursework, clinical experience, and/or professional activities by checking the applicable attestation box.
  • “Student Membership" requires remittance of the annual fee of $30.
  • Please note that ”Student Membership" in NYSAN does not guarantee admittance to “Regular” or to “Early Career” Membership in NYSAN once “Student Affiliate Membership” status expires. “Regular” and “Early Career” membership categories require reapplication.

Emeritus Membership

  • The category of "Emeritus Membership is open to current or former NYSAN members who have formally retired from the field. Voting and other privileges remain the same as those who have full membership status.
  • "Emeritus Membership" requires remittance of the annual fee of $50.

Application Process - Click Here to Join NYSAN

Regular & Early Career Membership Applicants:

1) Complete the questions on the online application to document training requirements and licensure status;

2) Agree to the terms of the Professional Declaration agreement;

3) Complete and return the New Member Application form to document either:

a. Training verification from a former supervisor; 


b. Board Certification in Clinical Neuropsychology.

4) Pay the annual fee.

    Affiliate Membership Applicants: 

    1) Complete the questions on the online application to document training requirements and attestation to exclusively practicing psychology outside of New York State;

    2) Agree to the terms of the Professional Declaration agreement.

    3) Pay the annual fee.

    Student Membership Applicants:

    1) Complete the questions on the online application, including the attestation to being currently enrolled in a psychology doctoral program and to being in good standing within the program, in addition to the current clinical training site (if applicable);

    2) Include the following supplemental material with the application:

    a. A current copy of student identification, and

    b. A signed statement verifying student status from a professor or current supervisor, submitted via the Student Verification Form.

    Questions and/or concerns about membership should be directed to:

    Eltonnelle James, PsyD
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